Kelly Romo
Apr 29, 20243 min read
Oregon Whitewater Thriller: How Maupin, Prineville, and Bend Became the Backbone of My Thrillers
"Discover the captivating charm of Maupin, Prineville, and Bend as we unveil their influence on thrilling whitewater novels.
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Kelly Romo
Jul 12, 20232 min read
It's Fair, Festival, and Rodeo Season!
Summer is here, and that means it's time for fairs, festivals, and rodeos in Oregon! I will be signing books at 4 different fairs this year.
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Kelly Romo
May 30, 20222 min read
Behind My Writing: Working in Haunted Hotels
Writing, ghosts, bubble baths, and soaking pools. WRITING Whenever I need to get my head wrapped back around my story or I need to do a...
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